Docker Engine
1. Install Docker
First, we need to install Docker Engine according to the instructions on the official website. Then, for convenience, we can do the following to avoid typing ‘sudo’ each time.
cat /etc/group | grep docker
sudo groupadd docker # if no output
sudo gpasswd -a ${USER} docker
sudo service docker restart
newgrp - docker
2. Image Command
2.1 search
We can search Docker Hub to find docker images that we want. Alternatively, we can use the command ‘search’ to print a list of images based on arguments.
docker search image-name
docker pull image-name [:tag] # specified version
2.2 delete
To delete images, we can use the command ‘rmi’
docker rmi -f image1-id image2-id ...
docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq) # delete all images
3. Container Command
3.1 pull and run
Docker container is a running instance of a docker image. Here are the basic commands.
docker pull ubuntu:18.04
docker run -it ubuntu:18.04 /bin/bash # interaction mode
exit # stop and exit
ctrl+p+q # stop but still running
3.2 ps
list all of the running containers
docker ps -aq # show all and history containers with id only
3.3 remove
remove docker container
docker rm container-id
docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq) # force to remove all of the running containers
docker ps -aq|xargs docker rm # another way to remove
3.4 start and stop
start and stop the container
docker start container-id
docker restart container-id
docker stop container-id
docker kill container-id # force to stop
3.5 others
other command
docker run -d image-name # run in background, which requires foreground process
docker logs -tf --tail num container-id
docker top container-id
docker inspect container-id
3.6 exec && cp
enter the running container
docker exec -it container-id /bin/bash # create new terminal, recommend!!!
docker attach container-id # continue last terminal
docker cp container-id:path host-path
4 DockerFile
4.1 Instance
FROM ubuntu:18.04
4.2 Build
docker build -t image-name[:tag] .
4.3 Test
docker run -it image-name[:tag]
4.4 History
docker history image-id