1. NiN block
Since ‘Dense Layer’ has so many parameters, we replace them by ‘1x1 Conv’. The shape doesn’t change while using ‘1x1 Conv’.
- Conv2d (the same as AlexNet, ReLu)
- 1x1 Conv, stride 1, no pad (out_channel = in_channel, ReLU)
- 1x1 Conv, stride 1, no pad (out_channel = in_channel, ReLU)
2. Architecture
NiN’s architecture is based on AlexNet, but we don’t use ‘Dense Layer’.
- NiN block
- 3x3 MaxPool, stride 2 (half size)
- …
- Dropout(0.5)
- NiN block
- Global AvgPool (Flatten)
- Softmax (classification)
3. Q&A
- AvgPool decrease the dimension((m, n) => (1, 1)) and has no training parameters, so it tends to have good generalization ability.
- In the meanwhile, it costs more time on training.